Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is Taking viagra cheating

In case you’ve just got back from a few years on Mars, you might have already realized that Viagra and the various other ED (erectile disfunction) drugs like Cialis and Levitra have revolutionized the world of physical pleasure. Viagra is Pfizer Pharmacutical’s name for “sildenafil citrate” which basically works to send increased amounts of blood to the male organ. It’s a boon for the older masculine sect who might not be able to perform well as compared to their youthful counterparts. But the underground world of porn has embraced the drug as their savior as well. Even the stud-like young men in those miovies need to keep up with the ladies that show no sign of wearing down sexually. So they are now able to complete their films with the aid of this wonder drug.

As for the normal, middle-aged man, Viagra can be more than just what the doctor ordered. Even for average, sexual –active men, they are always at a disadvantage. The woman can have multiple orgasms and keep that mode going for hours. Conversely, the male is a one-shot wonder. He must recharge and that can take a while. The new ED drugs allow the man to keep erect much longer and pleasure his lady like never before. So, is this drug only for the ED man who formerly had trouble becoming aroused? And what age should that be limited to?

Any man of any age can experience ED. But men are asking their doctors for the drug that have no ED because they realize the vast potential. Now, a young man of 25 can keep up with the unquenching desire of his young female partner. They both can benefit from his ability to stay rigid and then, after they both are satisfied, begin anew an hour or so later. This can go on as long as the drug continues it’s affects. Is it right for the doctor to prescribe this drug to a perfectly healthy man than has no ED? Let’s consider this for a moment.

Although ED is listed as the primary reason for dispensing Viagra, what is the harm to the man, his lover, or society as a whole by allowing him the purchase? Will it become addictive? Perhaps, if he decides to take it every time they make love. But it’s not like cocaine or other detrimental illegal drugs. And if he develops side affects, he should know better and stop using it. But it’s between him and his doctor to make the decision. Short of watching the couple have sex, how is the doctor to know if he’s has ED or not? If the man wants to use this as a recreational, performance enhancing drug, to improve his love life, how does that become a crime in any way imaginable?

We allow him to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, which can become far more dangerous, especially when driving. Using an ED drug in the privacy of the bedroom will not get anyone killed or maimed. But it just might save a few marriages along the way. Am I advocating all men to take Viagra or their equivalent? Not really. I’m just explaining that men of any age can find it rewarding and no, I don’t think that it’s cheating in any way, shape or form. I think that it can fall into the category of sex toys and other articles of pleasure when used properly by consenting adults. And no I do not have stock in Pfizer nor work for them. I’m semi-retired but enjoy writing articles that can make one think. You may be wondering if I use Viagra and do I have ED? To quote Bob Dylan, the answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind.

Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Advertising and has a Master's Degree in teaching. He had his own advertising agency in Scottsdale, Arizona and ran a consulting and design firm, ABC Advertising. He has authored 6 books and a novel, "Pursuit of the Phoenix." His latest book is, "Inside the Yellow Pages" which can be seen at his website, Currently, he is the Marketing Director for a Health Information and Doctor Referral site.